Love/Hate Relationship with Bangs

As every little girl I had bangs when I was younger.  Thick at one time.  Whispy bangs in middle school.  Then finally off to the side in high school.  I have a high forehead and have never been able to forget it due to my loving siblings.  They are the ones to thank for all my insecurities.  Least I know my downfalls!


Well just recently, a couple weeks ago,  I just got my bangs cut again.  Side bangs.  A week later they were already bothering me.  So then today I am like oh I will just get some full front bangs, those are super cute.  Wrong.



Tips for future me:

First off you should not go to Fantastic Sam.  I thought it was free like most salons.  Nope seven dollars.  Lame.  

Secondly, do not wear your hair up when you wants some full front bangs.  The damn lady did not take my hair down so now they are not very thick.  Bummer.

Guess I should not really freight though since these damn things always grow out in a week and then I cant see.  I am way to cheap to get them cut that often.

Bangs are always such a quick fix to a boring ‘do but they just get annoying so damn fast!

Girls, what are your thoughts on bangs?


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