Devil Wears Prada

On my lazy Sunday afternoon clicking thru the channels trying to find something other than a Christmas movie or another law episode, I found one of the best movies playing, my opinion, Devil Wears Prada.

Devil Wears Prada

Devil Wears Prada

Anne Hathaway plays the assistant to the CEO of a super popular fashion magazine.  Gets caught up in the fashion world leaving her friends and family in the dust all in a struggle to land a journalist gig.  However in the end she throws it all away because she realizes she is not herself any longer.

Now that I summed it up for the people who live in a box; the reason why I think this movie is so great is it’s what every new graduate has to face once they switch that tassel to the other side of the cap.  Even though Anne’s character, Andy, gets to live this fabulous life of free couture, fashion shows and mingling with fashion elite she loses the most important intangible stuff in the world; her family, friends and morals.   Making herself available to the CEO nonstop, makes it seem that she forgets for a bit of why she ever started in the first place.


Every graduate has a dream set and if an opportunity presents itself, you just want to run with it and never look back.  Once you sold your soul, you realize the things that you once took for granted are no longer there and in reality you have nothing now.

What is the cost of success?

“Everybody wants to be us” – Devil Wears Prada

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  1. Pingback: The Devil wears Prada | Pendown

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